What is Sleep Apnea?

When a sleeping person stops breathing for 10 or more seconds, they have “apnea.” OSAS, or obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, is one type of sleep apnea. Lack of adequate breath during sleep reduces airflow, causing the brain to tell the body to wake up and breathe. In some cases, sleep apnea patients only move into a lighter stage of sleep, while other times, patients wake completely.

Do i have a sleep problem


Take our quick, 8 question quiz to see if you are at risk level for Obstructive Sleep Apnea and get ahead of the issue to claim back the sleep you rightfully deserve!

sleep apnea treatment | Collegeville Sleep Well

Seeking a Restful Night’s Sleep?

Are you or your loved one snoring through the night? Does interrupted sleep cause you to be moody or stressed out? Sleep apnea is one of the most undiagnosed and serious conditions. Studies show that 50% of people who snore are at risk of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea, a condition in which breathing stops for periods of 10 seconds or longer, can interrupt deep sleep that makes people feel rested. Non-surgical dental appliances have proven more effective than surgery for many sleep apnea patients. In a matter of three visits, Dr. Silva can make you a custom appliance that’s comfortable and natural fitting.

Sleep Apnea Help

What’s the Problem?

Many factors may contribute to airway blockage, from the size of passages and oral or airway structures to swelling of passageways or position of the tongue. Disrupted deep sleep can affect mood, health, and cause daytime sleepiness. The added stress and fatigue can cause lack of concentration, loss of memory, and accidents in the workplace or while driving. Other health risks include high blood pressure and heart problems, and even a risk of premature death. The sleep apnea patient’s snores can disturb a sleeping partner’s rest, too.

Are you a candidate for sleep apnea treatment?

See if you’re a candidate for Sleep Apnea treatment. Click on the link below to use the STOP-BANG Obstructive Sleep Apnea Calculator. This calculator lets you know your potential risk.

compromised airway sleep apnea | Collegeville Sleep Well

Sleep Breathing Disorders

Airway Disorders including Snoring, Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome and Obstructive Sleep Apnea are common in today’s society. However, they are not normal and can significantly impact your health and quality of life.

Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common sleep disorder and is caused when the soft tissue in the back of your throat relaxes during sleep and blocks your airway. As airflow stops, the oxygen level in your blood drops, causing your brain to kick start the breathing process, which is often accompanied by gasps or choking. Sleep apnea causes your sleep cycle to reset multiple times during the night, which not only affects how you feel when you wake up but can also lead to chronic conditions and can even be fatal if the case is severe and left untreated.

For many sleep apnea sufferers symptoms may include:

• Insomnia
• Excessive daytime sleepiness
• High blood pressure
• Labored breathing at night
• Puffing sounds at night
• Dry mouth upon awakening
• Snoring.

• Jaw clenching, grinding
• Morning headaches
• Overweight/obesity
• Irritability
• Change in personality
• Depression
• Difficulty concentrating

• Sweating during sleep
• Heartburn
• Reduced libido
• Urinating at nighttime
• Restless sleep
• Snorting, gasping or choking
• Rapid weight gain

• Confusion upon waking
• Erectile dysfunction
• Diabetes
• History of heart problems

This is a Must watch story about Connor Deegan.

For more information about children who are sleepy, snore, or have been diagnosed with ADHD, please watch this video, then give us a call to see if we can help!

Sleep Apnea Treatment

The first line of treatment for OSA should be Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine. Our goal is to be able to help patients that are non-compliant or intolerant to the CPAP machine. Offering them another alternative rather than not seeking treatment at all.

Prior to initiating sleep apnea or insomnia treatments, it is essential to have a comprehensive clinical exam evaluating the airway that is compromised. Dr. Silva, after a comprehensive examination including 3D imaging of the Upper Airway, will come up with a custom treatment plan for each patient.

Our office utilizes Oral Appliance Therapy as part of our treatment. This requires wearing a customized oral appliance resting on the dentition. This appliance serves to physiologically prevent the collapse of the airway by stabilizing the lower jaw, tongue, and soft palate. There are over 115 different variations of these customized appliances making a comprehensive evaluation paramount for selecting the best device. Oral appliance therapy can be very effective in treating patients who snore and those suffering from mild to moderate sleep apnea.

CPAP Alternative | Collegeville Sleep Well